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Barb Pashup
I use photography as a means of self-expression. It helps me identify with hidden qualities of my character, to better understand my reality and to express my interpretation of the world around me. I have a vision and use my camera like Alice's rabbit hole, to open an unexplored world, a place of curious self-expression. My images are like a physical meditation.
Initially, the impetus for my photographs shown here was an attraction to the dark moodiness of the abandoned buildings and the feeling they evoke for me when I visit them. This series explores some different themes: the unknown stories these buildings hold when seen from the perspective of a passerby, the sense of impermanence that comes from looking at them, and the incredible potential for story time. They are nostalgic, romantic, wistful and provocative, all at the same time. They offer an escape from excessive order. You see and feel things that you cannot in the ordinary world. How could an abandoned house not pull at your imagination?
Like all things organic, manmade construction obeys the same lifecycle of birth, growth, maturity, decline, and death. I looked for the beauty hidden beneath the facade, in the decay, rust and peeling paint. Aided by the viewfinder of a camera, I desire to discover and record something I have not seen before so that I might more fully understand the beauty and significance of each cycle of life of which I too am a part.
I would like to thank Jim Welninski, one of my instructors at Richard Stromberg's Chicago Photography Classes, who says, “Stop thinking of yourself as a photographer and start thinking like an artist who happens to use a camera.” He has inspired me to identify my vision and express it.
Please join us on Sun., Sept. 17th from 10:30 A.M – 4:00 P.M. to view and congratulate this year's class. 14 students have worked months to create amazing bodies of work! Included with the WithInSight Gallery this year are photographs from our new High School Program (FreshLens). Included in the opening are hors d'oeuvres, drinks, and a raffle with a chance to win one of the artist's prints. We hope to see you!
4001 N. Ravenswood Ave., First Floor, Chicago, IL 60613