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40 Days + 10,000 Swings

Are you tired of fitness guides that skim over the details? Discover the steps you need to take with a behind-the-scenes look at one man’s healthy lifestyle.

Have your last few attempts at fitness fallen flat? Do grand exercise ideas and proclamations always seem to fail when you put them into practice? Author Chad V. Holtkamp knows that no health routine is perfect. By showing you the highs and lows of his year-long fitness program, you’ll finally learn how to conquer the challenges that most fitness experts ignore.

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40 Days + 10,000 Swings: A Journal is a detailed companion guide that shows you the nitty gritty of how Chad reached the best shape of his life. By paging through the author’s own daily journals and detailed accounts, you’ll see his food intake, his exercise routine, and even his state of mind. Through this over-the-shoulder look at how he dealt with personal trials, you’ll find our own roadmap for personal success.

In 40 Days + 10,000 Swings, you’ll discover:

  • Daily journal entries for a real-world example of a fitness plan in motion
  • The steps you can take to balance your professional, personal, and fitness challenges
  • How Chad managed to stick to his plan despite daily life and his father’s lung cancer diagnosis
  • A step-by-step exploration of the 40 Days + 10,000 Swings workout program
  • How to stay in shape in the face of unexpected adversity, and much, much more!

This hands-on fitness memoir is a companion guide to Sink or Swing, the second volume of the Home Gym Strong series. If you like real stories of fitness struggles and success, practical advice, and life-changing workout programs, then you’ll love Chad V. Holtkamp’s candid exercise guide.

Buy 40 Days + 10,000 Swings to take the first step toward your ideal body today!

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